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胡秀  吴福川  刘念 《广西植物》2011,31(2):175-180
采用压片法对中国姜花属十八个分类群进行了体细胞染色体计数,对白姜花减数分裂终变期I的染色体数目和形态进行了观察。结果显示:包括白姜花在内的十九个分类群中有六个二倍体,一个三倍体,十二个四倍体,其中十二个分类群的体染色体数目为首次报道,显示中国姜花属植物具有较高比例的多倍体类型;姜花属的染色体基数为n=17,染色体组可能是多倍体起源的。  相似文献   
对苞叶姜(Pyrgophyllum yunnanense)大小孢子发生和雌雄配子体发育进行了显微观察,研究结果表明:苞叶姜花药2室,药壁发育属基本型,绒毡层为分泌型。小孢子母细胞经减数分裂形成左右对称型四分体,胞质分裂为连续型,成熟花粉粒为2-细胞型;子房下位,3室,胚珠多数,倒生,具双珠被、厚珠心,中轴胎座。大孢子母细胞经减数分裂形成线型(或T形)四分体,珠孔端3个大孢子退化,合点端的1个发育成功能大孢子,胚囊发育为蓼型。比较苞叶姜、黄花大苞姜(Caulokaempferia coenobialis)和海南三七(Kaem pferia rotunda)的早期胚胎学特征,表明苞叶姜与黄花大苞姜系统学关系较近,与海南三七系统学关系较远。在分类等级上,胚胎学证据支持苞叶姜独立成属。  相似文献   
采用粗纤维法、凯氏定氮法、斐林试剂法、索氏浸提法、干灰化法和重量法等多种化学分析方法对云南翠雀花的化学成分进行了分析.结果显示,云南翠雀花含有丰富的维生素、矿质元素以及异亮氨酸、蛋氨酸、赖氨酸等17种氨基酸,其中粗纤维、VB2和蛋氨酸含量尤为丰富,分别为32.83%、3.26 mg·g-1、3.27 mg· g-1.  相似文献   
A new species of early vascular land plant, Estinnophyton yunnanense , is described from the Lower Devonian (upper Pragian) Posongchong Formation at Zhichang village, Gumu Town, Wenshan District, Yunnan Province, China. This plant possesses aerial stems with isotomous branching. The leaves are slender, once- or twice-bifurcated, and arranged in low spirals or pseudowhorls. Fertile leaves are morphologically identical to the vegetative ones, clustered on the axis, forming a loose strobilus-like structure. There are three to six fertile leaves in each gyre. Two ovoid-elongate sporangia are singly attached to the adaxial surface each subtended by a recurved stalk, either at the base of each segment in a once-bifurcate fertile leaf or below the points of successive divisions in a twice-bifurcate fertile leaf. Estinnophyton yunnanense differs from two other species described previously from Europe, E .  gracile and E .  wahnbachense , mainly in possessing two single stalked sporangia on each fertile leaf rather than two pairs of sporangia, as well as in the dimensions of its leaves. In view of the complex taxonomy and nomenclature surrounding the type material of Estinnophyton , we considered possible emendation of the generic diagnosis based on the new Chinese material. Following comparison with typical members of the Protolepidodendrales and other taxa, Estinnophyton is considered to have had a closer affinity with primitive sphenopsids than the protolepidodendralean lycopsids. A comparison between Chinese and European floras containing Estinnophyton indicates that South China and Western Europe had floristic elements in common although they were in different phytogeographical units during the Early Devonian epoch.  © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2004, 146 , 201–216.  相似文献   
滇姜花抗肿瘤活性二萜及其光敏氧化反应的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
从滇姜花(HedychiumyunnanenseGagnep.)根茎中分离到两个具抗肿瘤活性的二萜成分滇姜花素C及滇姜花素A,前者为新化合物,其结构经波谱及化学方法鉴定。此新化合物亦可从滇姜花素A的光敏氧化反应产物中分离得到。  相似文献   
姜花属植物二萜成分研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文对姜花属植物二萜类成分及其药理活性的研究进行了综述。  相似文献   
Hedychium menghaiense X.Hu & N.Liu,a new species of the Zingiberaceae from Yunnan Province,China,is described and illustrated.The new species is currently known only from its type locality,Nannuoshan Mountain,Menghai County,growing under evergreen broad-leaved forests at altitudes of 1400-1700 m.It is similar to Hedychium forrestii Diels,but differs in its narrower and emarginate labellum folded inwards lengthwise,narrower staminodes,and scarlet stamen.The recognition of the new species is supported by the ...  相似文献   
种间配子不亲和以及种间杂交种子活力低是众多的物种间杂交隔离机制中的两个方面。通过对云南澜沧地区分布的4种(型)姜花属植物——圆瓣姜花(Hedychium forrestii)、草果药(Hspicatum)、两类型滇姜花(Hyunnanense)间进行野外杂交试验,比较杂交结实率、每果种子数以及杂交种子的萌发参数等指标来分析4种(型)姜花之间的杂交亲和性和杂交后代表现,发现4种(型)姜花属植物配子间都具有不同程度的亲和性,但种间杂交种子的萌发适合度比同种授粉获得的种子低。结果表明,这4种(型)姜花属植物间配子亲和性不是有效的种间隔离机制,种间杂交种子活力低是一种不完全的隔离机制,它们在同域分布的地区,仍然有形成杂交后代的可能性。  相似文献   
毛姜花原变种花寿命对两性适合度的影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
植物的花寿命被认为是由雌、雄适合度的增长和维持花开放的花费之间的平衡来决定的。姜花属(Hedychium)是姜科唯一一个从热带到高海拔地区分布的大属, 属内不同种类植物的花寿命差异很大。毛姜花原变种(H. villosum var. villosum)的花寿命为5 d, 显著长于其它同域分布的姜科植物。通过人工剪除毛姜花原变种的柱头来使花朵具雌性功能的时间缩短, 结果显示: 在不同的处理中, 结实率随花朵具雌性功能时间的延长而增加, 开花1 d后剪除柱头的结实率为1.85% ± 1.59%, 极显著低于对照的结实率20.96% ± 4.13%, 说明其较长的花寿命能显著地增加传粉的成功率和结实率, 长达5 d的花寿命有利于雌性适合度的提高。同时, 毛姜花原变种开花1 d后, 剩余的平均花粉数和总平均花粉数没有显著差异, 而开花后2、3和4 d后剩余的平均花粉数则极显著少于总平均花粉数, 说明随着花寿命的延长, 花粉输出量也显著增加, 其长达5 d的花寿命也有利于其雄性适合度的提高。较长的花寿命在毛姜花原变种拓展新的生境、向更高海拔地区的扩散中也许起着重要的作用。姜科植物有着极其多样性的传粉和繁育系统, 花寿命在姜科植物传粉和繁育系统的多样性形成及其进化中起着重要作用, 同时, 较长的花寿命有效地提高了雌性适合度和雄性适合度, 从而使姜科植物能脱离热带生境, 向更高海拔的地区扩散, 花寿命在姜科植物从热带地区到高海拔地区的分布过程中也起着重要作用。  相似文献   
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